Monday, June 30, 2008

Check out the remaining Runs in Singapore 2008

Lately I have been interested in the Runs in Singapore. Started running with my boyfriend last year June and got addicted to it since then. I would say finding someone that could run with you really do help. Best if your partner is willing to run at your speed. I used to like jogging for the fun of it. (Doesn't mean that now its not fun anymore). What I mean is that after sometimes you wanted much more than that. That's where you challenged yourself in competitive run eg. Standard chartered etc. I've noted the dates of the remaining run events that i'm interested in(Doesn't mean that I've join all of them) :

- Citi-MilkRun 2008 (9.4km); Sunday, 6 July 2008
- Shape Run 2008 (5km & 10km); 20 July 2008
- Mizuno Wave Run (10km); 27 July 2008
-Inter Constituency Road Run 2008; 26 July 2008
-Touch Run (5km & 10km) - Organised by Anderson Junior college; 3 August 2008
-SAFRA Sheares Bridge Run (6km 10km & 21km); Sunday, 24 August 2008
- Nike+ Human Race (10km); 31 August 2008
- New Balance Real Run 2008; 19 October 2008
- Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2008; 07 December 2008

And I'll be running the MilkRun and Mizuno Wave Run. Right now I can run 6km without stopping and for the 10km mark... I'm really gotta give it a try. It Mind over Body or Body over Mind. I'll decide.