I encountered a lot of incidents everyday that were really testing my patience and temper. It is whether a not are you mindful of it and are you able to tolerate it.
Take this incident that happen to me in a public transport, person sitting next to me coughed without covering her mouth, (take note: plus bad breathe). Later on, she was searching in her bag for something and her elbow kept poking me. I mean, I really wanted to tell her off but I remained silent and continued reading my book.
Another incident, I held the door for this person, she just walked out of the door without a word of appreciation, not even a smile, not even looking at me. At that point in time, I really feel like letting go of the door and have it slam into her face. But then, I thought, "why so ungracious like her?"
Another incident, I was walking towards by destination, I saw in front of me a lady bumped straight into a man. The man got angry and shouted vulgarities at her. I mean, the lady was unintentional and harmless but why the man had to make a big fuss over it?
It keeps me thinking, I just wonder, when my tolerance level will get "empty"?
Rudeness is everywhere and it can be exhausting for us all. We get angry and worst, we could end up in a fight.
There’s no simple explanation for others’ inconsiderate behavior, and no easy
formula for avoiding the impact. But some people handle rudeness more adeptly
than others.
Inconsiderate, angry and rude people are everywhere. let's just hope that every places we go, we encounter the good ones..
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