Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bad Times Bring Out the Worst In People At Work

The situation that we are in right now, is that, bad times bring out the worst in people. I have came across co-workers who back stabbed me or will do anything to get in good books, be it with the boss or the company's clients to boost their career status first.

That is the ugly side of human when faced with threat for survival. Because of the current failing economy and job loss, people fear losing their jobs and there are also those who have already lost their jobs. People start back stabbing their co-workers, or they blame and point fingers towards one another in hopes of increasing their own value.

The tactic may work for some in the short term, however, it could also result in failure. This is because, the work environment becomes stale and it will results in failing efficiency and productivity. And the business could dies.

Whether you were the person stepping on your fellow colleague or the one who was being stepped on; if we remain selfish and try to save only our own interests at work, we will fail. Not only will we bring down co-workers, but employer and the economy right now could suffer.

The economy does bounce back. So remember, never do things that you will regret.

For me to keep

The CLEO team are nice to invite me for a photo shoot on the letter that I wrote. Its featured on January 2009. I've got to keep this.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Towards Corporate Objectives

Sometimes, we came across people working in a company and somehow seems lost about why he is here in the first place. That is actually bad for himself and the company in the long run. A lot of communication about the company's objectives are not convey properly and clearly from the day the employees started working and that result in "bad hiring".

We often blame others for lack of motivation, that they are a bad hire or some are "in their own world". It never cross our mind that the root to the problems started from day one of his work.

We should develop staffs around a common goal. Helping them feel a part of something genuine, special, and important, and to inspire real passion and loyalty.

We all know that nothing will ever happens by magic. To be able to work towards corporate objectives, staffs and managers should constantly communicate objectives to their employees and be seen living them. A lot of time, people don't know where the organization is going and what it is trying to achieve in the future.

Victory comes from everyone sharing the same goals.

We must always think and look at the bigger picture. Successful companies are those that focus their efforts strategically. They are able to meet and exceed customer satisfaction and the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy.

Everyone in the organization must ensure they sees a benefit in order to make a company work.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The sacrifices of a Married Man

I read something very interesting today. Its about Men and Women.

" Research shows that its the single man who's often out of order. Though there are numerous exceptions. ..... He's often hot-tempered and impulsive, and he typically earns less money - its true - than a single woman, and is more likely to move aimlessly from job to job. But when he marries and commits himself to a wife and children, most of the social liabilities disappear. He has a reason to live responsibly, to work hard, and to save for the future. Instead of pandering to his own sensual desires, he postpones gratification and he sacrifices for those who depend on him."

Well said. I did see some of my guy friends who have become a sensible and more responsible person after they have a family of their own. I guess one would feel a sense of belonging and having assured that one's partner's love for one is true.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Understanding Differences: A Foreigners Perspective
I am new to blogging and for the first time have decided to contribute. Let me begin by providing a little introduction which may assist in understanding my later discussion. I am Asian by birth and partially educated in Singapore. I left Singapore when I was young and spent most of my adult life in North America (over 15 years) with limited contact with Asia. As most of my adult life was spent in North America, I adopted a more American outlook as well as accent. However, I still understood my roots and had served the Asian community while I was living in the US and Canada. Later I adopted Canada as my country and became a Canadian. Three years ago, I decided to return to Singapore and this is where my experience and culture shock began as I adapted to life in Singapore.
To begin with, my experience began with the fact that many did not know how to categorize me; I looked Chinese but was not local, I spoke English but had an accent, I did not understand local culture but there was an assumption that I should as I am Chinese etc. These contributed to several rather interesting situations. For example, mobile phones and sms are popular tools here in Asia; however, such devices caught on slowly in North America. Even when I left Canada, sms was hardly used but was already a daily communication tool here. When I asked people how to sms or what it was, I received looks of surprise and laughter as if I were an alien. Another incident involved my speech. As I speak with a US mid-western accent (as I spent most of my life in the mid-western part of the US), I drew stares from people as well as comments that I was trying to show off with my accent and was a wannabe "ang moh" (the truth about my accent is that it's real and part of my speech).
However, the biggest shock that I received was how the "ang moh" was treated or the service that I would receive once people found out that I was Canadian. I had made the observation that if a person had blonde hair and blue eyes, service would be rendered to this person immediately; suddenly the rude sales person would tone down, smile, and speak to this person as if he/she were God. This experience was prevalent all through various places, be it at hotels, restaurants, banks etc. Also, the "ang moh" can say anything and people would be enthralled. I actually did run a test on the phone and realized that I got better service when I spoke with an accent as opposed to using local slang; this was shocking to me as I pondered whether an accent made me a different person suddenly (funny though!).
The point of my writing this is to point out certain issues:
  1. With the influx of foreigners into Singapore, we need to be more tolerant and respectful of people. We all have to learn that the "ang moh" is not the only foreigner in Singapore; this group may be the most obvious in a crowd but potentially, there are still over a million of us here who are truly foreigners but look Asian. Looking Asian does not mean we are local and understand everything here; some of us REALLY have no clue about the local practices here.
  2. Just because we look Asian and speak with an accent does not mean that we are wannabe "ang mohs"; some of us REALLY have this accent and it is part of our speech.
  3. We should treat everyone with equal respect and not because the person is "ang moh". We are all human beings and the same treatment, whether in a hotel, restaurant, etc., should be given to all regardless. Please also do not try to categorize people by their appearances.

To summarize, I want to point out that there are differences between all of us and we have to learn to understand and respect one another for who they are. We should not make judgments and assumptions based solely on appearances beacause most of the time, you may be surprised that the judgment may be flawed.

Rubbing Salt into the Wound

The other day I was taking the train back home, I saw a number of nicely, formally dressed men and women. Some of them are holding in their hands like document files or A4 size envelopes. I mean they are wearing office jackets and it is a hot day outside. Then it occur to me, this people could be on their way to a job interview - they are job-seekers. That's nothing wrong, we hear about people getting retrenched and jobless in this time of crisis and the numbers are still rising.

A week back, somebody told me she can easily find a job without putting in a lot of efforts as she "knew" a lot of people. Indeed, a company called her and said they wanted to offer her a job. She wanted a substantial increment from her last salary before she will "think" of taking up the offer. The company negotiated and they came to a fairly close sum of salary that she wanted. (Well, some people are just so lucky)

Before she took up the offer, she actually asked people for opinion about how much she should negotiate for. The amount she wanted, could make anyone gasp. Of course a lot of people told her that during this crisis, it may be difficult to be still working in a company without thinking you are the next 'target', and advise her otherwise.

I have heard friends who told me they wanted to change job because they are not happy getting pay cut, or not getting their bonuses. Some, even went for stringent of interviews in a particular company and got an offer. But rejected it, because he couldn't make up his mind. ( A lot of time, effort and money was wasted and other potential job-seekers could have miss out on this opportunity)

What I'm saying here is, if we will to look around us, we see some people having a hard time but we also do see people not being affected at all. Whichever, groups you belong to, be sensitive to people around you. Don't rub salt into people's wound, because one day, you may need the help of that person who you may have offended.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mixing of Certain Food and Drugs

The doctors said that mixing certain foods and drugs can be hazardous.

Came across this from the Health Board - Please take note ...

- Grapefruit and starfruit are found to inhibit metabolism of certain anti-cancer drugs, such as imatinab, sunitinib and vinorelbine.
Side effect include: low blood count, vomiting, fluid retention, fatigue, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, liver inflammation and abdominal pain.

- Do not take grapefruit with heart medications like certain cholesterol-lowing drugs, such as atorvastin , lovastatin and simvastatin as they increase potency.
Side effect include: liver damage, severe muscle and kidney damage.

- Calcium channel blockers that help control high blood pressure, can also react with grapefruit.

- Fibre in oatmeal and other cereals, when consume in large amounts, can interfere the absorption of digoxin ( medication used to treat various heart conditions.)

- Effectiveness of certain Blood thinning medication can reduce if consume too much food high in vitamin K, such as liver, green leafy vegetables, has blood clotting properties.

- Dairy products and iron tablets should be avoided if on tetracycline (treat skin and chest infections) as this food reduce the effectiveness of antibiotic. Just take them at a different timing.

- Avoid caffeine if on Asthma medication such as oral bronchodilators.
Side effect: heart palpitations and insomnia.

- Alcohol and sour and spicy food may cause gastric irritation if you are taking oral steroids.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Crisis Knowledge

My Lecturer was telling us in class the other day, "...sometimes people who knows nothing about finance, could predict the status of the economy better than those who claims they know it all."

Well, true. However, the only person you can believe in - is yourself.

I came across this interview extract from this man from wealth management. Here goes..

  • The signs of the sub-prime crisis were evident a year ago. Yet, nobody did anything about it..

.... at that time, a lot of risk was being taken off the table. The question is whether it was quick enough. Nobody expected it to have dominoed so fast. The sub-prime debacle was the primary catalyst, due to the lack of risk management on credit exposure. ... The thing that people were not able to foresee happening so quickly was the nature of the risk it had put on the real financial system.

  • How did that lead us to the current economic situation?

The financial system as we know it is on the brink of survival. The first entity that had lost its position in the market was Lehman Brothers. The first happens at the top of the mountain. People see it, but it has not come to base camp yet. Then it stops. People think it has ended. However, The Lehman failure has caused so much fear in the soundness of the financial system that interest rates shot through the roof. Banks stopped trusting one another. And the whole market has gone into a credit crunch, effectively paralysing the monetary system.

  • And that filtered down...

....Banks don't trust banks, let alone corporations that need funding for investing or daily operations.

  • Are bail-outs effective?

They are a necessity. Without it, the financial system would have collapsed a month ago. At least now there is still hope that this will not be an extended crisis....

  • What went wrong with the financial markets?

.... But when banks are making bucket loads of money , there is no proper supervision. ....There's always greed that oversteps the concerns of the risk management. In the sub-prime crisis, instruments became more complex and their credit value less viable in order to get a better return. But professional investors were still buying this stuffs. There is a complete lack of awareness of the intrinsic risk that was involved.

  • The US, a market-driven economy, is turning to direct interference. Does this spell the end, or at least demand a re-think, of laissez-faire capitalism?

In the Asian crisis, when Hong Kong intervened in the market, it was severely criticised by the US. Everybody in Asia knew that intervention was necessary because of the situation. Today, however, the US realises what was happening in Asia at that time was a very small scale situation of what is happening in the US right now. You can't tell a sovereign state to let your banks and companies go bankrupt. Asian markets have a certain social-democratic way of approaching capitalism. Now, the US has become primarily socialist, where all the banks and the companies is going to be owned by the government. It has become a full circle.

  • What can worsen the situation?

I don't think the system can take another shock., like the failure of a large European financial entity. ... The automotive industry in the US is another big question mark. Is it archaic, should it be allowed to fail? Or is it critical to US jobs and US growth and should not be allowed to fail? It's not part of the financial system, but its such a giant in the US economy that losing several hundred thousand jobs overnight would be a big issue.

  • How long do you think the recession will last?

Two scenarios. If what is being done now works reasonably well. it will last through to 2009. If not, it will be another two, three years. That's typically the cycle. Stocks and equity markets tend to forecast way before recovery, so you can potentially see this turning around in June.

  • What kind of business will survive, or even flourish?

I'd look at low-leverage companies sitting on a lot of cash - there are tons of them around the world. At the current market valuations, lots of companies are cheap and dividend yields are strong. In the medium to long term, stick to companies with good business models, that are profitable. Go back to basics, things people cannot do without: utility companies, telcos and consumer durables will be affected, but their survivability will still be strong. On recovery, what will do well are the commodities.

  • What should consumers and businesses do in the meantime?

A big mistake a lot of companies are making is firing staff. Retrenchment should be the last resort. What they should do is reduce salaries, freeze bonuses and pull incentives. People should be kept in their jobs, otherwise not only will consumer spending dramatically fall, psychology and confidence will be hugely impacted. The best thing for consumers to do is to carry on spending - if they can. Everybody is cutting back, but try to live life as normally as possible. Keep your ear to the ground. ........

  • Is that something to be optimistic about? People emerging more knowledgeable....

Human beings learn from their lessons but also have very short memories. ...... growth over the years, was able to accumulate a lot of wealth. Everyone is financially stronger to manage this crisis.

For my knowledge..

Upcoming Runs 2009

When I first set up this blog, the first thing that I talked about was upcoming races and the runs I joined. Mostly, I ran the 10km race which I completed on average 1hr 10mins. Overall, I'm satisfied with my results cos' I am quite consistent but I wish I could run within 1hr the next time.

This is some of the upcoming events for 2009:

07/02/2009- Safari Zoo Run
01/03/2009- Newton Active Run 09
30/05/2009- Adidas Sundown Marathon 2009
05/07/2009- Milk Run 2009

I will be updating more events once it is confirmed.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Safer Way to Say in an Interview

I wanted to pen this down for my friends and people who read my blog on how to tackle job interview. Sometimes after an interview, I asked myself why didn't I say this or why I didn't say that. Well, we are just human, right?

Tell me about yourself?
This is an opening question in an interview and keep your answer to a min or two. Four topics: Early years, education, work history and recent career experience. This is a warm up question, so don't waste your best point on it.

What do you know about our organisation?
Discuss products or services, revenues, reputation, image, goals, problems, management style, people, history and philosophy. However, never act as you everything about the place. Your answer should show that you have taken the effort to do some research and make it clear to the interviewer that you wish to learn more.

Why do you want to work for us?
Do not say " because I like people." What else would you like - animals? Do your homework so that you can speak in terms of the company's needs. Say that your research has shown that the company is doing things you would like to be involved with and that it greatly interest you.

What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Here, you have every right to be a bit egotistical. Talk about your record of getting things done and list of career accomplishments. Say that your skills and interests, combined with this history of getting results, make you valuable. Mention your ability to set priority, identify problems, and use your experience and energy to solve them.

Please give me your definition of the position for which you are being interviewed.
Your answer should be brief and task-oriented. Think in terms of responsibilities ans accountability. Make sure you really do understand what the position involves before you attempt the answer. If uncertain, ask the interviewer.

How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
Be realistic. Say that, while you would expect to meet pressing demands and pull your own weight from the first day, it might take six months to a year before you could expect to know the organisation and its needs well enough to make major contribution.

Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experiences for this position. What is you opinion?
Emphasise your interest in establishing a long-term association with the organisation, and say that you assume that if you perform well in this job, new opportunities will open up for you. Mention a strong company need a strong staff. Suggest that since you are well qualified, the employer will get a fast return on his investment. Say that a growing, energetic company can never have too much talent.

What is your management style?
You should know enough about the company's style to know that your management style will complement it. Possible styles: task-oriented, result-oriented, paternalistic. The popular style is the participative style as it motivate people and delegate responsibility.

Why are you leaving (did you leave) your job?
Be honest without hurting yourself, be brief and to the point. If you were laid off, say so, otherwise indicate that the move was your decision. Do not mention personal conflicts. Remember that your references are likely to be checked, so don't concoct a story for an interview.

What do you think of your boss?
Be positive as you can. A potential boss is likely to wonder if you might talk about him in similar terms at some point in the future.

One must be prepare for interview questions and on a gentle note - Be polite, professional and respectful with the potential boss or even client.

Good luck to my friends!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Read The Life's Greatest Lesson

.... Morrie said now, looking at a photo of his oldest son. "I simply say, 'There is no experience like having children.' That's all. There is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. ..... having complete responsibility for another human being, and to learn how to love and bonding the deepest way......"

I love this part of the story. It is a true story that touches my heart. "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom.

Have you ever in your life met someone, it could be your teacher, colleague, friends, someone older, wiser and patient who have helped you see the world in a different light? And gave you sound advice to guide your way through it.

For this author, it is his college professor who taught him nearly 20 years ago. And of course, like everyone else, he lost track of his mentor as time passed, and the world seem colder.

The author got the second chance to meet his mentor in the last months of the old man's life. The author got his one final class - lessons in how to live.

Everytime I read the book, I blinked back tears. Every pages of it is so meaningful and it teaches life's greatest lesson - something that everyone of us take for granted...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Koh Samui That I Love to Go Again

Some of my dear friends have noticed that I 'disappeared for almost 2 weeks. Now that I'm back from Koh Samui and I must say, its a beautiful place to be in but definitely going during festive season is best to avoid.

The locals there are very friendly and helpful and its very easy to get around. I was at Chaweng beach - a hotspot for tourists. I would suggest if you prefer a secluded area, then don't pick Chaweng beach.

I always joke that Koh Samui is for people who are confident of their body and love the attention. Over there, men can be seen topless and walking around holding bottles of beer. The women will be in bikinis and shorts, shopping endlessly.

If you haven't been to Koh Samui, its best to book a tour at the hotel that you are staying and they will arrange a jeep/van to pick you up and drive you around to see beautiful rocks, waterfalls, etc.

However, do prepare some cash when touring around as certain places you explore expect you to give them some 'tips'. The elephant ride I have, expect me to give the elephant and the owner 5oo bahts each, which I thought I've paid for the tour, but he said it is for 'elephant reserve'.

Do bring sunblock lotion and insect repellent wherever you go.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Life like Lemon

I was reading the papers today and the headline news was about " When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

We have enough news about job losses, plunging property prices, natural disasters, wars, loss of loved ones, etc. Yes, enough to make us go into depression, avoid reading any news and the urge to shut ourselves from the world.

But the reality is that, everyone have to face the truth - it had already happened and is still happening around us.

The papers is teaching us to face such situation with a can-do-attitude - making the best out of a bad situation. Of course, seeking positive is not about belittling the tragedies, instead it is that little triumphs in every human spirit that counts.

So many bad news, so little time and life too short. It is still possible to smile, when a little balance is most needed, even if it is just for a day.