Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rubbing Salt into the Wound

The other day I was taking the train back home, I saw a number of nicely, formally dressed men and women. Some of them are holding in their hands like document files or A4 size envelopes. I mean they are wearing office jackets and it is a hot day outside. Then it occur to me, this people could be on their way to a job interview - they are job-seekers. That's nothing wrong, we hear about people getting retrenched and jobless in this time of crisis and the numbers are still rising.

A week back, somebody told me she can easily find a job without putting in a lot of efforts as she "knew" a lot of people. Indeed, a company called her and said they wanted to offer her a job. She wanted a substantial increment from her last salary before she will "think" of taking up the offer. The company negotiated and they came to a fairly close sum of salary that she wanted. (Well, some people are just so lucky)

Before she took up the offer, she actually asked people for opinion about how much she should negotiate for. The amount she wanted, could make anyone gasp. Of course a lot of people told her that during this crisis, it may be difficult to be still working in a company without thinking you are the next 'target', and advise her otherwise.

I have heard friends who told me they wanted to change job because they are not happy getting pay cut, or not getting their bonuses. Some, even went for stringent of interviews in a particular company and got an offer. But rejected it, because he couldn't make up his mind. ( A lot of time, effort and money was wasted and other potential job-seekers could have miss out on this opportunity)

What I'm saying here is, if we will to look around us, we see some people having a hard time but we also do see people not being affected at all. Whichever, groups you belong to, be sensitive to people around you. Don't rub salt into people's wound, because one day, you may need the help of that person who you may have offended.


Reese said...

Found out from a recruiter that a lot of people are still having unrealistic expectations, despite tough times.

After probing them, she found out that they seem to be living in their own little world, unaware or maybe just intentionally oblivious to current affairs.

To think that they have the cheek to complain about being jobless.

Janice Lee said...

Haiz.. Human just can't get enough