Thursday, January 22, 2009

The sacrifices of a Married Man

I read something very interesting today. Its about Men and Women.

" Research shows that its the single man who's often out of order. Though there are numerous exceptions. ..... He's often hot-tempered and impulsive, and he typically earns less money - its true - than a single woman, and is more likely to move aimlessly from job to job. But when he marries and commits himself to a wife and children, most of the social liabilities disappear. He has a reason to live responsibly, to work hard, and to save for the future. Instead of pandering to his own sensual desires, he postpones gratification and he sacrifices for those who depend on him."

Well said. I did see some of my guy friends who have become a sensible and more responsible person after they have a family of their own. I guess one would feel a sense of belonging and having assured that one's partner's love for one is true.

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