I see this all the time at work - employees lacking of decision-making tendencies. That is why we have the leader and the followers.
That is, in leadership, is to have the courage to make the tough, unpopular, legal, moral and ethical decisions in our job.
A leader when faced with difficult, life-altering decisions, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. No matter what the outcome, one thing has remained constant: The decision is ours, and we alone was responsible for the consequences, good and bad.
A successful leader should have the ability to see things from a broader perspective and a kind of acceptance that everything does not always go as planned.
In today’s world, it is particularly important for leaders to be involved in all matters. Skill and information is no longer enough; nowadays we have to be able to endure the constant unpredictability of several things. The tolerance for change and ability to work efficiently in constant change is definitely a characteristic of a good leader.
Leaders must be able to constantly prioritize and decide which actions will not be taken at all.
We must be able to see both the details and the big picture at the same time. We should focus on the big picture and we should also keep in mind that people’s work is in the details. We should be able to see the details so that we can appreciate, for example, the work of our subordinates. We have to be able to simultaneously see the future and the here and now.
However to add on, we can’t just live with the future in mind, but nor can we just live in the moment. We simultaneously have to develop, place boundaries on some action, increase one thing and maybe decrease something else. Issues rarely present themselves in such a way that we decide to make one choice over another.
A flexible leader will succeed better if he or she remains unfazed that a day or even an entire year turns out differently than what was originally planned. And this, leads to trust in one’s subordinates.
In order to be able to detect signals and be on top of the latest developments, a leader might not have the possibility to do things with the same intensity as before. Delegating is about trust and sends a strong message that the leader has faith in the skills of his or her staff.
Environment plays an important part as well. It is not enough for the leader’s mindset to be flexible. The whole organization has to be flexible, too. Flexibility, however, does not mean having no direction. We can have direction even while things are changing.
And a willingness to accept mistakes in this culture of flexibility. There must be continuous opportunities for development and to gain strength to develop competence and own keys to success.
A leader is rarely an expert in one particular field anymore. Nowadays it’s about being a leadership expert. Leadership is expert knowledge and skills can be transferred from one sector to another.
We must always be willing to learn new things, to develop and to think with an open mind and to accept that no one is right or wrong. Good conversations allow seeing the perspectives of different sides.
It is important to allow valuable discussion in order to come up with ideas. As they say, general education is an attitude. It includes understanding the complexities of life and the ability to humbly approach different situations without being above any situation.
Interest and curiosity for life make a person grow.
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