Sunday, July 13, 2014

How to cook mussels - quick and easy

Recently, Ken has been craving for oysters and mussels. And today, we bought 2 big packets of muimat a grocery shop. They were really cheap at 4 euro a pack. Woohoo!

My method of cooking are usually fast and must still taste reasonable. Luckily, the man is not a picky eater. 

  1. Washed the mussels
  2. Chopped up some onions and garlic 
  3. Put the mussels, chopped garlic and onions in a wok (you can use a pot too, as long as there is a lid to cover it)
  4. Filled the wok with a 1/4 cup of beer (hehe, I have a lot of beer in my fridge. You can also use water or wine. Do not immerse mussels in water like how we do potatoes, as the mussels will not be cook this way. The steam will open the shells instead)
  5. Heat up the stove and steam the mussels on high heat for 5mins or until you see steam coming out from under the lid. 
  6. Once you see that the shells are all open, it's ready! Try not to overlook the mussels. Finally, I gave the mussels a stirred with a spatula to make sure there are coated with the beer, garlic and onions. 
  7. Serve.
Ready to eat! Yummy!

From tthe photo, it doesn't seem to have alot of water (or beer); at the bottom of the mussels. In fact, there was lots of water (from the mussels) so do not put too much water, 1/4 cup will do. Enjoy!

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