Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My breastfed children

I breastfed my 1st child till she was 18months old and I am still breastfeeding my 2nd one. She is now 15months old.  I think I could continue breastfeeding Stacy but then I got Preggy with Erica and the milk might have changed.  Stacy weaned off on her own. I read an article saying that if a child wean off on their own, they will be more independent.  Well, we see...

Breastfeeding has never been easy. You can ask any bf mums. Dealing with engorgement,  fever, pressure at work, disapproval, etc, etc. when I am struggling with Stacy on her latching and getting enough milk to feed her, I searched the net, helpline for breastfeeding mums, consulted friends who bf... I cried a lot. It was really a struggle and not many people understand. Others asked if it is so tough, just give the bottle. Sigh.. I don't know, why I never give up and I see my efforts and perseverance pays off. It gets easier and easier. I even gave advises to friends who want to breastfeed and were successful!

Some people say after the child is 1year old, should not breastfeed anymore as breastmilk has no nutritional value for them. I prove them wrong. I did my homework of cos'.  It's my decision. http://sg.theasianparent.com/extended-breastfeeding-need-to-know/

My intention is to breastfeed Erica until she could hold a cup really well and I will let her drink powdered milk.  So need to worry about have a milk bottle when traveling!!

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